On the 29th of June 2023, at the 5th event of the “Cyprus Talks Green” series, “Charging Ahead: The role of Transportation and Storage in a Clean Energy Future” the GreenH2CY was introduced by Mr. Makis Ketonis of Ketonis Holdings Ltd and coordinator of the project.
The event was organised by the Sustainable Energy Laboratory (Energy Lab) of the Cyprus University of Technology and ideopsis Ltd and supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Cyprus, the Israeli Dutch Innovation Centre and EIT Urban Mobility (RIS hub Malta).
During this event more than 120 participants including experts, industry leaders, policymakers and sustainability enthusiasts came together to explore the latest advancements in decarbonising the transportation sector and integrating energy storage solutions.
The GreenH2CY project is the first-of-its-kind in Cyprus and will serve as an important step towards establishing the hydrogen economy in the country. The project contributes to greenhouse gas emission reduction targets while promoting decarbonisation in the transport sector.
The GreenH2CY project includes the installation and operation of a PEM Type electrolyser, a hydrogen storage facility, and a re-fuelling station in the same location. The hydrogen plant is expected to produce approximately 150 tonnes of hydrogen fuel per year. This is equivalent to 627 tonnes of diesel fuel per year. The project will avoid 21.677 tonnes CO2 equivalent of greenhouse gas emissions during its first ten years of operation, attributed to the replacement of diesel fuel. The water used in the electrolyser will be supplied from tertiary treatment of wastewater from the Water Development Department of Larnaca, and thus contributing to circular economy actions.
During the GreenH2CY presentation the benefits of using hydrogen have been presented as well as the recent development regarding the licencing of the project. This pilot project will create crucial understanding and experience in the generation, distribution and use of green hydrogen, thus contributing to the acceptance of hydrogen as a reliable and sustainable form of alternative fuel in Cyprus.

* Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.